陈朝猛 副教授,工学博士 研究方向:电子器件及芯片热管理、液冷高效节能技术
电子邮箱:chencm1213@163.com |
2019.09-2023.06 华南理工大学 机械工程 博士
2014.07 -至今 贵州民族大学物理与机电工程学院,教师
1.2015.11-2018.10 主持贵州省科技合作计划项目(黔科合LH字[2015]7217)《民机总装过程中工时预测及管理研究》;
2.2021.12-2024.12 主持贵州省青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合KY字[2022]183)《面向高热流密度芯片散热的微通道液冷一体式热管研究》;
3.2023.01-2024.12 主持贵州民族大学自然科学研究项目(GZMUZK[2022]YB02)《面向数据中心高功耗芯片散热的多尺度液冷微通道设计理论及性能研究》;
4.2024.04-2026.04 主持贵 州 民 族 大 学 基 金 博 士 科 研 启 动 项 目《微纳多孔介质毛细力与渗透率的影响机理研究》;
5.2024.04-2027.04 主持贵州省基础研究计划项目(黔科合基础-ZK[2024] 507)《基于热阻与流阻平衡调控的微通道结构优化设计研究》。
1. Chaomeng Chen, Li Yi, Minqiang Pan. Optimization and experimental verification of microchannel heat sink based on heat transfer and flow balance regulation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 455(1): 140793. (SCI ,IF=15.1, JCR Q1).
2.Chaomeng Chen, Shu Yang, Minqiang Pan. Permeability model establishment and experimental verification of a tree-like branching structure with conventional scale, Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2022, 182(1): 109209. (SCI ,IF=4.3, JCR Q2).
3.Chaomeng Chen, Shu Yang, Minqiang Pan. Microchannel structure optimization and experimental verification of a plate heat exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 175(69): 121385. (SCI ,IF=5.2, JCR Q1).
4. Chaomeng Chen, Shu Yang, Minqiang Pan. Energy flow model analysis and configuration optimization of thermal management system, Heat transfer research, 2022, 53(13): 37-58. (SCI ,IF=1.7, JCR Q3).
5. Haozhong Hu, Chaomeng Chen, Chao Li, Minqiang Pan. Experimental Investigation of Roll Bond Liquid Cooling Plates for Server Chip Heat Dissipation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 226(1): 120284. (SCI ,IF=6.4, JCR Q1).
6. Li Yi, Chaomeng Chen, Fei Duan, Minqiang Pan. Power consumption and thermal performance of integrated spray and jet array cooling vapor chambers, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 218: 119266. (SCI ,IF=6.4, JCR Q1).
7. Xiong Deng, Guanghui Li, Yanli Xu, Chaomeng Chen, Jiangtao Liu, Zhi-Yuan Li. High-resolution imageable miniaturized spectrometer based on graphene micro-electro-mechanical systems, Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2024, 178:108244. (SCI ,IF=4.6,JCR Q1).
8. Wenjing Liu, Guanghui Li, Chaomeng Chen, Jiangtao Liu , Zhi-Yuan Li. Broadly tunable filter based on a graphene MEMS-photonic crystal composite structure and its application in single-pixel full-color displays, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2024,18(12): 6588-6595. (SCI ,IF=6.4,JCR Q1).