刘征宏 副教授,工学博士 研究方向:数字化设计与智能制造 电子邮箱:328597789@qq.com |
2007.09-2011.07 贵州大学机械工程学院本科
2011.09-2016.12 贵州大学机械工程学院硕博连读
2017.06-至今 贵阳学院机械工程学院
1. 2022.01-2024.12 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项
2. 2022.08-2024.07 主持贵州省教育厅科技拔尖人才项目1项
3. 2018.08-2021.12 主持贵州省教育厅科技拔尖人才项目1项
4. 2023.04-2025.12 主持贵州省科技支撑计划项目1项
1. Zhao H, Liu Z, Yao X, et al. A machine learning-based sentiment analysis of online product reviews with a novel term weighting and feature selection approach[J]. Information Processing & Management, 2021, 58(5): 102656.
2. Liu Z, Liu J, Lyu J, et al. Configuration of product plan based on case reasoning of extenics[J]. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2021, 60(2): 2607-2618.
3. Liu Z, Wu J, Hu T, et al. Numerical analysis on multiphase flow in near-wall and near-bottom areas[J]. International Journal of Simulation Modelling (IJSIMM), 2022, 21(2).
4. Liu Z, Wu J. Study on Cutting Performance of Micro Groove Tool in Turning AISI 304 and Surface Quality of the Workpiece[J]. Coatings, 2022, 12(9): 1326.
5. Liu Z, Zhao H, Lv J, et al. Construction of Virtual Interaction Location Prediction Model Based on Distance Cognition[J]. Symmetry, 2022, 14(10): 2178.