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2024-02-04 11:03   审核人:

周朝彪贵州安龙人,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,贵州省高等学校科技创新团队负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和地区项目、国家民委教改项目、贵州省自然科学基金、贵州省高等学校科技创新团队项目、贵州民族大学科技创新团队项目等科研教学项目6。主要从事纳米光子学、微纳光器件及光子芯片等领域的理论和实验研究,发表SCI收录论文60余篇,其中以第一或通信作者含共同Nature Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, Laser & Photonics Reviews, ACS Photonics, Science China: Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, Nanophotonics, Physical Review A/B/Applied, Applied Physics Letters, New Journal of Physics, Optics Letters, Optics Express等主流刊物发表研究论文30余篇, 包括封面论文1篇、“Editor's Pick”论文3篇、ESI高被引论文3篇,Google Scholar论文引用1900余次。近年来,受邀在国际纳米光子和纳米能源会议、全国超材料大会等国内国际会议以及科研院所做邀请报告10余次。是Advanced Optical Materials, ACS Photonics, Carbon, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express二十余个SCI 期刊的兼职审稿人。指导研究生发表SCI一区和二区论文10篇,指导本科生发表SCI论文5篇。指导学生参加物理学术竞赛获省级三等奖及以上5次,指导学生获批4项省级大学生创新创业训练项目,指导本科生毕业论文2次获贵州民族大学优秀论文奖。







1. 研究方向

(1) 表面极端光场捕获与调控:基于介质超表面或光子晶体,研究光学连续域中束缚态(BICs)模式物理,实现超高Q值微纳谐振腔,促进光合物质的相互作用。

(2) 介质超表面的多模态调控:研究介质超表面中环形多极子TD共振物理特性,调控电多极子、磁多极子与环形多极子间的耦合干涉,实现anapole模式、Kerker效应等奇异光学模式,有效调控光电磁的辐射。

(3) 高性能新型光器件开发:将高Q值共振腔与相变材料(GST, GSSTVO2)、近零折射率材料(ITO)、铌酸锂(LN)材料结合,开发高性能光调制器与光开关;研究高Q值腔与增益物质(过渡金属硫族化合物、钙钛矿材料等)中激子的强耦合特性;研究高Q值微腔的Purcell效应、光致发光特性和激光特性、研究硅、LN等材料的非线性效应与调控。

(4) 深度学习在纳米光子学中的应用:利用深度学习设计优化高性能微纳米光器件。


2. 学习工作经历



















3. 主持参与项目


(1) 国家自然科学基金-地区科学基金项目:介质微纳共振腔对二维过渡金属硫族化合物发光调控的研究(12164008),38万,主持,2022.01-2025.12

(2) 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目:全介质超表面中光学无辐射模式研究(12004084),24万元主持,2021.01-2023.12

(3) 贵州省高等学校科技创新团队项目:全介质人工微结构的光场调控与新型光学器件创新团队(黔教技[2023]060号),主持,80万元,2023.07.01-2026.06.30

(4) 贵州省自然科学基金项目:基于介质超构表面中奇异光学模式调控的研究(黔科合基础-ZK[2021]一般030)主持,10万元,2021.04-2024.04

(5) 国家民委教改项目:新工科理念下机械电子程创人才培养模式探索与实践,1.5万元,主持,2024.01-2025.12

(6) 贵州民族大学校基金一般项目全介质微纳结构中环形偶极子共振研究(GZMU[2019] YB22),6万元,主持,2019.11-2021.11,已结题 



(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于石墨烯/硅混合波导的片上超连续谱光源研究(61775064),62万元,参与,2018.01-2021.12

(8) 贵州省教育厅:热光电一体化微纳器件设计与优化特色重点实验室,黔教合KY[2021]00340万,参与,2021.01-2023.12

(9) 贵州省教育厅:基于铁电薄膜的动态可控波导及其温度稳定性的研究,黔教合KY[2021]04520万,参与,2021.01-2023.12


4. 发表论文

Ø 第一作者或通信作者论文(*标记为通信作者,#为共同一作):

(1) Lujun Huang#,*, Rong Jin#, Chaobiao Zhou#, Guanhai Li*, Lei Xu, Adam Overvig, Fu Deng, Xiaoshuang Chen, Wei Lu, Andrea Alù*, and Andrey E. Miroshnichenko*. Ultrahigh-Q guided mode resonances in an all-dielectric metasurface, Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1):3433. 中科院一区, IF: 17.694

(2) Lujun Huan,#,*, Shuangli Li#, Chaobiao Zhou*, Haozong Zhong, Shaojun You, Lin Li*, Ya Cheng, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko*, Realizing Ultrahigh-Q Resonances through Harnessing Symmetry-Protected Bound States in the Continuum, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2309982. 中科院一区, IF: 19.0

(3) Chaobiao Zhou#, Lujun Huang#,*, Rong Jin#, Lei Xu, Guanhai Li*, Mohsen Rahmani, Xiaoshuang Chen, Wei Lu, and Andrey E. Miroshnichenko*. Bound states in the continuum in asymmetric dielectric metasurfaces, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2023, 17, 2200564 (Inside Cover paper). 中科院一区, IF: 11.0

(4) Mimi Zhou#, Shaojun You#, Lei Xu, Menghui Fan, Jing Huang, Wenbin Ma, Mingzhe Hu, Shengyun Luo, Mohsen Rahmani, Ya Cheng, Lin Li, Chaobiao Zhou*, Lujun Huang*, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko*. Bound-states-in-the-continuum in all-dielectric metasurfaces with scaled lattice constants, Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2023, 66(11), 2200564. 中科院一区, IF: 6.4

(5) Shaojun You, Mimi Zhou, Lei Xu, Deliang Chen, Menghui Fan, Jing Huang, Wenbin Ma, Shengyun Luo, Mohsen Rahmani, Chaobiao Zhou*, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko* and Lujun Huang*. Quasi-bound states in the continuum with a stable resonance wavelength in dimer dielectric metasurfaces, Nanophotonics, 2023, 12, 2051–2060. 中科院一区, IF: 7.923

(6) Chenggui Gao, Shaojun You, Ying Zhang, Lulu Wang, Hong Duan, Haoxuan He, Quan Xie, Chaobiao Zhou. Strong coupling between excitons and quasi-bound states in the continuum mode with stable resonance wavelength in the near-infraredregion, Applied Physics Letters, 2024, 124(5), 051701. 中科院二区, IF: 4.0

(7) Shaojun You, Ying Zhang, Menghui Fan, Shengyun Luo, and Chaobiao Zhou*, Strong light-matter interactions of exciton in bulk WS₂ and a toroidal dipole resonance, Optics Letters, 2023, 48(6), 1530-1533 (Editor's Pick Paper). 中科院二区, IF: 3.560

(8) Wenbin Ma, Chaobiao Zhou*, Quasi symmetry-protected BICs in a double-notched silicon nanodisk metasurface, Optics Letters, 2023, 48(8), 2158-2161. 中科院二区, IF: 3.560

(9) Rongyu Liu, Chaobiao Zhou*, Second harmonic generation in an anisotropic lithium niobate metasurface governed by quasi-BICs, Optics Letters, 2023, 48(24), 6565-6568. 中科院二区, IF: 3.560

(10) Lijuan Wu, Jing Huang*, Deliang Chen, Mingzhe Fu, Chaobiao Zhou*, Strong Purcell effect of magnetic quasi-BICs in the dielectric metasurface, New Journal of Physics, 2023, 25(7), 073015. 中科院二区, IF: 3.716

(11) Chenggui Gao, Shaojun You, Ying Zhang, Chaobiao Zhou*, Quan Xie*, Strong coupling of excitons and electric/magnetic toroidal dipole modes in perovskite metasurfaces, Optics Express, 2023, 31(21):34143-34153, 中科院二区, IF: 3.833

(12) Wenbin Ma, Chaobiao Zhou*, Deliang Chen, Shaojun You, Xinfeng Wang, Liyang Wang, Li Jin, Lujun Huang*, Daiqiang Wang*, and Andery E. Miroshnichenko*, Active quasi-BIC metasurfaces assisted by epsilon-near-zero materials, Optics Express, 2023, 31(8),13125-13139. 中科院二区, IF: 3.833

(13) Jing Zhang*, Xue Sun, Tengfei Wang, Weiwei Xu, Yiyuan Wang (本科生) and Chaobiao Zhou*. Vanadium dioxide coatings with enhanced optical and thermochromic performances, Optical Materials, 2023, 136: 113498. 中科院三区, IF: 3.754

(14) Xinfeng Wang, Deliang Chen, Wenbin Ma, Shaojun You, Mimi Zhou, Liyang Wang, Qing Zhang, Shengyun Luo and Chaobiao Zhou*, Tuning magnetic toroidal dipole response in dielectric metasurfaces, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2023, 40(3): 560-566. 中科院三区, IF: 2.058

(15) YiyuanWang (本科生), Ying Zhang, Menghui Fan, Jing Zhang, and Chaobiao Zhou, Efficient solar absorber based on VO2-W-SiO2 hybrid metamaterials, Physica Scripta, 2023, 98, 065516. 中科院三区, IF: 3.081

(16) Jing Huang#, Bing Meng# (本科生), Li Chen, Xinfeng Wang, Xiaoying Qu, Menghui Fan, Chaobiao Zhou*, Light trapping and manipulation of quasibound states in continuum Ge2Sb2Se4 Te metasurfaces, Physical Review B, 2022, 106(4): 045416. 中科院二区, IF: 4.036

(17) Yao Zhang, Deliang Chen, Wenbin Ma, Shaojun You, Menghui Fan*, Chaobiao Zhou*, Active optical modulation of quasi-BICs in Si–VO2 hybrid metasurfaces, Optics Letters, 2022, 47 (21), 5517-5520 (Editor's Pick Paper). 中科院二区, IF: 3.7760

(18) Bing Meng (本科生), Jianfu Wang, Chaobiao Zhou*, Lujun Huang*, Bound states in the continuum supported by silicon oligomer metasurfaces, Optics Letters, 2022, 47(6): 1549-1552. (Top-Viewed Papers of Optics Letters in 2022) 中科院二区, IF: 3.776

(19) Chaobiao Zhou*, Tianyao Pu, Jing Huang, Menghui Fan, Lujun Hung*, Manipulating optical scattering of quasi-BIC in dielectric metasurface with off-center hole, Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(1): 54. 中科院二区, IF: 5.719

(20) Bing, Meng (本科生), Chunjie Feng, Li Chen, Xiaoying Qu, Xinfeng Wang, Chaobiao Zhou*, Stability of symmetry-protected BICs in dielectric metasurfaces, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2022, 39(8): 2006-2012. 中科院二区, IF: 2.058

(21) Menghui Fan, Yao Zhang, Deliang Chen, Lirong Ren, Yang, Qin and Chaobiao Zhou*, Tunable light trapping in the graphene metasurface, Applied Optics, 2022, 61(36): 10694-10699. 中科院三区, IF: 1.905

(22) Mimi Zhou#, Chaobiao Zhou#, Kun Luo, Weimin Li, Jiangtao Liu*, Ze Liu*, Zhenhua Wu*, Ultrawide bandwidth and sensitive electro-optic modulator based on a graphene nanoelectromechanical system with superlubricity, Carbon, 2021,176, 228-234. 中科院一区, IF: 9.594

(23) Mimi Zhou, Xiong Deng, Menghui Fan, Qin Yang, Yao Zhang, Chaobiao Zhou*, Jiangtao Liu, Active magnetic dipole emission by the Ge2Sb2Te5 nanodisk, Optics Letters, 2021, 46(19)4952-4955. 中科院二区, IF: 3.714

(24) Jing Zhang, Tengfei Wang*, Weiwei Xu, Xiaohui Yang, Xiaoling Zuo, Weiwei Cheng, Chaobiao Zhou*, Thermochromic VO2-SiO2 composite coating from ammonium citrato-oxovanadate(IV), Nanotechnology, 2021, 32(22): 225402. 中科院二区, IF: 3.874

(25) Chaobiao Zhou*, Xiaoying Qu, Shuyuan Xiao and Menghui Fan*. Imaging through Fano-resonant dielectric metasurface governed by quasi-bound states in the continuum, Physical Review Applied, 2020, 14(4): 044009. 中科院二区, IF: 4.985

(26) Chaobiao Zhou*, Shiyu Li, Menghui Fan, Xinfeng Wang, Yanli Xu, Weiwei Xu, Shuyuan Xiao, Mingzhe Hu and Jiangtao Liu*. Optical radiation manipulation of Si-Ge2Sb2Te5 hybrid metasurfaces, Optics Express, 2020, 28(7): 9690-9701 (Editor’s Pick paper). 中科院二区, IF: 3.669

(27) Xinfeng Wang, Shiyu Li and Chaobiao Zhou*. Polarization-independent toroidal dipole resonance driven by symmetry-protected BIC in ultraviolet region, Optics Express, 2020, 28(8), 11983-11989. 中科院二区, IF: 3.669

(28) Shiyu Li, Chaobiao Zhou*, Tingting Liu and Shuyuan Xiao. Symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum supported by all-dielectric metasurfaces, Physical Review A, 2019, 100(6), 063803. 中科院二区, IF: 2.907, 引用218.

(29) ChaobiaoZhou#, Shiyu Li#, Yi Wang* and Mingsheng Zhan*. Multiple toroidal dipole Fano resonances of asymmetric dielectric nanohole arrays, Physical Review B, 2019, 100(19): 195306. 中科院二区, IF: 3.575

(30) Chengcong Cui#, Chaobiao Zhou#, Qingzhong Huang, Yi Wang, Jinsong Xia* et al. Multiple Fano resonances in symmetry breaking silicon metasurface for manipulating light emission, ACS Photonics, 2018, 5(10), 4074-4080. 中科院一区, IF: 7.143

(31) Chaobiao Zhou, Guoqin Liu, Guoxun Ban, Shiyu Li, Qingzhong Huang, Jinsong Xia, Yi Wang*, Mingsheng Zhan*. Tunable Fano resonator using multilayer graphene in the near-infrared region, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112(10): 101904. 中科院二区, IF: 3.521

(32) Chaobiao Zhou, Shuyuan Xiao, Shaowu Zhang, Yangqiang Ran. Entanglement in mixed-spin (1/2, 3/2) Heisenberg XXZ model with Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55(2): 875-885.

(33) Chaobiao Zhou, Shuayuan Xiao, Cong Zhang, Gang Wu, Yangqiang Ran. Influence of Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction on measurement-induced disturbance in a mixed-spin (1/2, 3/2) Heisenberg XXZ model with an inhomogeneous magnetic field, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2015, 477: 40-44.

(34) Chaobiao Zhou, Shuyuan Xiao, Xing Zhang, Yangqiang Ran. Effect of Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction on thermal quantum correlation in a two-qubit Heisenberg XXZ spin chain with an inhomogeneous external magnetic field, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2016, 29(2): 367-374.


Ø 合作者论文:

(35) Rong Jin, Lujun Huang, Chaobiao Zhou, Jiaoyang Guo, Zhenchu Fu, Jian Chen, Jian Wang, Xin Li, Feilong Yu, Jin Chen, Zengyue Zhao, Xiaoshuang Chen, Wei Lu, Guanhai Li. Toroidal dipole BIC-driven highly robust perfect absorption with a graphene-loaded metasurface, Nano Letters 2023, 23, 19, 9105–9113

(36) Shun Lei, Mingzhe Hu, Jie Xu, Chaobiao Zhou, Qi Zhao, Lepeng Zhang, and haochi zhang. Real-time tunable notched waveguide based on voltage controllable ferroelectric resonator. Optics Express, 2024, DOI: 10.1364/OE.510184

(37) High-Performance Normal-Incidence Ge/Si Meta-Structure Avalanche Photodetector. Jinwen Song, Shangwu Bin, Chaobiao Zhou, Binyi Qin. Photonics, 10(7):780.

(38) Biao Zhu, Mingzhe Hu, Jie Xu, Lepeng Zhang, Lingyun Niu, Chaobiao Zhou, Facheng Liu and Haochi Zhang. Plasmonic dual-band waveguide with independently controllable band-notched characteristics, Applied Physics Express, 2023,16(8): 086001.

(39) Wenya Chen, Xing Wang, Junyi Duan, Chaobiao Zhou, Tingting Liu, Shuyuan Xiao. Optical Materials, 2021, 121(6):111558

(40) Tingting Liu, Chaobiao Zhou, Shuyuan Xiao. Gain-assisted critical coupling for enhanced optical absorption in graphene. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32(20):205202.

(41) Tingting Liu, Chaobiao Zhou, Shuyuan Xiao. Tailoring anisotropic absorption in borophene-based structure via critical coupling. Optics Express, 2021, 29(6):8941-8950.

(42) Jinxing Wu, Lin He*, Yanying Wu, Chaobiao Zhou, Zhongfei Zou, Gang Zhan, Tao Zhou, Feilong Du, Pengfei Tian, Zichuan Zou and Xiuhua Zhang. Enhancing Wear Resistance and Cutting Performance of a Long-Life Micro-Groove Tool in Turning AISI 201, Coatings, 2021 11(12):1515.

(43) Xing Wang, Junyi Duan, Wenya Chen, Chaobiao Zhou, Tingting Liu, and Shuyuan Xiao. Controlling light absorption of graphene at critical coupling through magnetic dipole quasi-bound states in the continuum resonance. Physical Review B 2020, 102: 155432.

(44) Shuyuan Xiao, Tingting Liu, Xing Wang, Xiaojun Liu, and Chaobiao Zhou. Tailoring the absorption bandwidth of graphene at critical coupling. Physical Review B 2020, 085410.

(45) Tingting Liu, Huaixing Wang, Chaobiao Zhou, Xiaoyun Jiang and Shuyuan Xiao. Active control of electromagnetically induced transparency analog in all-dielectric metamaterials loaded with graphene, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020, 53(50): 505105.

(46) Shuyuan Xiao, Tao Wang, Tingting Liu, Chaobiao Zhou, Xiaoyun Jiang and Jianfa Zhang, Active metamaterials and metadevices: a review. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2020, 53(50): 503002. 

(47) Hong Wang, Ningning Yang, Liming Chang, Chaobiao Zhou, Shiyu Li, Meng Deng, Zhenwei Li, Qiang Liu, Chi Zhang, Zhiyong Li and Yi Wang. CMOS-compatible all-optical modulator based on the saturable absorption of graphene, Photonics Research, 2020, 8(4): 468-474.

(48) Yanli Xu, Hongxu Li, Chaobiao Zhou, Xisheng Xiao, Zhongchen Bai, Zhengping Zhang, Shuijie Qin, The ultraviolet absorption of graphene in the Tamm state. Optik, 2020: 165015.

(49) Tingting Liu, Xiaoyun Jiang, Huaixing Wang, Chaobiao Zhou and Shuyuan Xiao. Tunable anisotropic absorption in monolayer black phosphorus using critical coupling. Applied Physics Express, 2019, 13(1): 012010.

(50) Tingting Liu, Xiaoyun Jiang, Chaobiao Zhou, Shuyuan Xiao. Black phosphorus-based anisotropic absorption structure in the mid-infrared. Optics Express, 2019, 27(20): 27618-27627.

(51) Shuyuan Xiao, Tingting Liu, Chaobiao Zhou Xiaoyun Jiang, Le Cheng, Yuebo Liu and Zhong Li. Strong interaction between graphene and localized hot spots in all-dielectric metasurfaces. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(38): 385102.

(52) Shuyuan Xiao, Tingting Liu, Le Cheng, Chaobiao Zhou, Xiaoyun Jiang, Zhong Li, Cheng Xu. Tunable anisotropic absorption in hyperbolic metamaterials based on black phosphorous/dielectric multilayer structures. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2019, 37(13): 3290-3297.

(53) Guoxun Ban, Cheng Gong, Chaobiao Zhou, Shiyu Li, Regis Barille, Xiaojun, Liu, Yi Wang. Fano resonant silicon photonic crystal slab for efficient third harmonic generation. Optics Letters, 2019, 44(1), 126-129.

(54) Shiyu Li, Chaobiao Zhou, Guoxun Ban, Hong, Wang and Yi Wang. Actively tunable all-dielectric metalens combining germanium-antimony-telluride. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(9): 095106.

(55) Tingting Liu, Chaobiao Zhou, Le Cheng, Xiaoyun Jiang, Guangzhao Wang, Chen Xu, and Shuyuan Xiao. Actively tunable slow light in a terahertz hybrid metal-graphene metamaterial, Journal of optics, 2019, 21(3):035101.

(56) Shuyuan Xiao, Chaobiao Zhou, Tingting Liu, Xiaoyun Jiang, Xicheng Yan, Le Cheng and Chen Xu. Tunable light trapping and absorption enhancement with graphene-based complementary metamaterials. Optical Materials Express, 2019, 9(3):1469-1478.

(57)  Shuyuan Xiao, Tingting Liu, Chaobiao Zhou et al. Tailoring slow light with a metal-graphene hybrid metasurface in the terahertz regime, Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 2019, 63(7).

(58) Xing Zhang, Yong Peng, Chaobiao Zhou, Jiaxing Li. Nuclear alternating parity bands and transition rates in a model of coherent quadrupole–octupole motion in neutron-rich barium. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2016, 27:129.

(59) Tingting Liu, Huaixing Wang, Yong Liu, Longsheng Xiao, Chaobiao Zhou, Chen Xu and Shuyuan Xiao. Dynamically Tunable Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Terahertz Hybrid Metamaterial. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2018, 104, 229–232.

(60) Tingting Liu, Huaixing Wang, Yong Liu, Longsheng Xiao, Chaobiao Zhou, Yuebo Liu, Chen Xu and Shuyuan Xiao. Independently tunable dual-spectral electromagnetically induced transparency in a terahertz metal–graphene metamaterial. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51, 2018, 415105 (8pp).

(61) Tingting Liu, Huaixing Wang, Yong Liu, Longsheng Xiao, Zao Yi, Chaobiao Zhou, and Shuyuan Xiao. Active Manipulation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Terahertz Hybrid Metamaterial. Optics Communication, 2018, 426, 629-634. 


5. 学术交流

(1) 第四届全国光电子、光子材料与器件学术会议20231020-22日,山东青岛,邀请报告

(2) The international Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference (INPEC), 2023821-24日,江苏无锡,邀请报告

(3) 中国科学院精密测量与技术创新研究院2023518日,湖北武汉,邀请报告

(4) 第二届全国超材料大会(2ndCMMC)2023511-14,江苏南京,邀请报告

(5) 第四届西部材料大会,2023324-26,重庆,邀请报告

(6) 贵州省物理学会2022年学术年会2023721日至23,贵州都匀,口头报告

(7) 贵州工程应用技术学院,2023915日,贵州毕节,邀请报告


6. 获奖及其他情况

(1) 2021年、2022年度贵州民族大学科研优秀奖

(2) 2023年贵州民族大学科研杰出贡献奖


        ---------------------------------------------Last update: 02/04/2024-------------------------------------------



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